Moving is a pretty physical task. Add some heat into the mix, and you have a pretty sweaty day ahead of you! In order to make sure you and your things stay safe on moving, day, follow these tips for moving in the heat.
Tip #1: Start early, and take breaks.
Even if your moving helpers cannot get there until later in the morning, get up early and get started yourself. Starting early accomplishes two things. First, it ensures that you get at least some of the work done before the sun gets too high in the sky. Second, it increases the time you have throughout the day, so you can take some breaks when you get too hot and exhausted. If you start to feel woozy, dizzy, or overheated, do take a break. You can't move if you're being rushed to the hospital for heat exhaustion.
Tip 2: Pack a cooler with ice and cold drinks.
Usually when you're moving, you'll have emptied the fridge and freezer and turned them off. To ensure you have something cool to drink throughout the day, head to a local store. Purchase a bag of ice and some cold beverages, and pack them in a cooler. Make sure that all of your moving helpers from places like an Aloha International Moving Service know where the cooler is and that they're welcome to have a beverage. A cold beer might be tempting, but stick with soft drinks – beer dehydrates you and might make matters worse in the heat.
Tip #3: Set "heat-sensitive" items aside.
There are probably items in your home that should not be shipped to you new place in the 110-degree back of a moving truck. This includes electronics (many will malfunction if overheated and then cooled too quickly – condensation builds up inside of them), cosmetic items, medications, and pet foods. Set these items aside in a separate room or corner of the room so that your moving helpers know not to pack them. When you're ready to officially head out, turn the air conditioning on in your personal vehicle and take these items with you.
Tip #4: Rotate your indoor and outdoor helpers.
Usually, it makes sense for the strongest people to load the truck and for weaker people to help out packing inside. On really hot days, however, you might want to consider throwing this strategy to the wind and having everyone rotate positions. Have two people work loading the truck for 20 minutes, and the others work inside. Then, designate 2 more people to take the place of the truck loaders. This ensures nobody spends too much time outside in the heat.
Moving when the temperature is soaring is never fun, but with the tips above, you and your things should survive the experience in one piece.
Share29 July 2015
Hello, I'm John Kemp. I would like to share my observations about packing, loading and unloading furniture and belongings during the moving process. There are a variety of ways to pack up and load your belongings to keep them safe during transport. Unfortunately, if you perform this task the wrong way, your belongings could end up smashed and tattered. You can either study the best ways to accomplish this task or hire professionals to perform the work for you. My site will explore the packing, loading and unloading process from beginning to end. Please feel free to visit my site often to learn all you can about this subject. Thank you for coming by site.